Sunday, January 2, 2011

Welcome to my life

A little bit about me: I'm a stay at home Mom, slightly obsessed with fitness and eating well. I have two little kidlets who keep me very busy (duh!) so I often can't make it to the gym. Hence the title of my blog: Fit From Home. I do workout DVDs, different workouts that I make up, hike, bike, mountain bike and a few other things that you will hopefully find somewhat interesting.

I'm not much of a cook, but I like eating. I have been a vegetarian in the past, but am not now, although I haven't eaten a cow, pig or deer (or buffalo!) in about 20 years. So I do eat chicken, turkey and some seafood. I am obsessed with cookbooks, many of them related to sneaking vegetables into my picky children who will scream if something green goes on their plate. Okay, that is not really true, but close. They do love broccoli but haven't come around to spinach or kale yet unless it's hidden. I am still working on brussel sprouts and collard greens for all of us.

I go to the gym whenever I can. I like spinning classes, most cardio, and lifting weights. I don't really do any other classes other than spinning.

Occasionally I get sent DVDs to review for another site I write for, if I like the workout I will include it on here.

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