Monday, January 31, 2011

Good Eats

My home workouts have not been good the last few days! Non-existant actually. So, if they don't exist, they can't really be bad right? Ugh!

I worked out hard at the gym last week then had a few busy days at home where I didn't make the effort to fit in a workout. Now it's Monday and I did something to my neck and I'm not sure I should try to workout. I don't want to hurt it worse. Don't get me wrong, I am not a wimp, but I have issues with my spine and when it's out of alignment I need to either put it back in place myself or see my physical therapist. I usually can't do much with my neck myself. I need to come up with a workout that I can do at home that will still challenge me but won't tax my neck at all. So I probably won't want to lift weights, or do any crazy jumping around. Here's what I've got so far:

5 one minute planks
100 bridges
lunges: stationary lunges and walking lunges

Food today has been GOOD! Delicious and healthy:

1. Green monster smoothie for breakfast. Made mine with 1 cup of unsweetened almond milk, 1 scoop Dymatize chocolate whey, 2 huge handfuls of spinach, a banana. All whipped up in the Vitamix.

2. Before running off to take the girls swimming I knew I needed something quick but protein loaded to keep me full so I mixed up some "eggs and oats" in the microwave. This recipe is from my friend Kim who does fitness shows and looks amazing.
1/2 cup oats
1/2 cup egg whites
1 packet of Truvia
Cook in the microwave for about 2 minutes so whites are fully cooked. I add a little sugar free maple syrup after cooking.

3. Had about 1/3 of a red pepper with artichoke hummus while I made the girls lunch. Was going to have the whole pepper but my 4 year old ate most of it.

4. Stuffed salmon. Found these in the freezer. Bought at Costco. These are delicious. They are stuffed with more seafood/brown rice mixture. I mostly eat the salmon with a little of the stuffing part. I probably won't buy these again as they are farmed salmon, not wild.

Not sure what meal number 5 will be. After the salmon I won't be hungry for awhile but will want to get more protein in for the day.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Workout Wherever You Can

My original intention in creating this blog was to share the workouts that I end up doing at home most days. Lately, I've been able to make it to the gym quite a bit. So, let's just workout wherever and whenever we can get it in!

I've been doing spinning classes a lot lately, which I love. One hour on the bike, riding hard, hills, pushing myself, gobs of sweat, love everything about it. I made it twice this week. My first love though, is lifting weights. I just love that strong feeling I get from lifting heavy and hard. The "heavy" part is relative, as we are all different shapes and sizes. I like to challenge myself and push myself, enough so that I get a good sweat on when I'm lifting.

My Saturday workout was:

20 minutes on the treadmill. Half of that was at a 15% incline. Love doing that. I really feel it in my glutes and I feel like I'm pushing myself. My speed at that incline is anywhere from 2.5 mph to 2.9 mph. I'm working up to faster.

After that, I worked legs, did some chest and a bit of abs:

Hanging leg raises 3 sets of 8 - 10
Hammer Strength Incline Press, 3 sets of 10 - 12
bench press 3 sets of 12 - 15
Cable kickbacks, side kicks for outer thigh, and inner thigh. Did about three sets of these on each side, with extra reps on my left leg as it is less strong than my right.

I had worked legs on Thursday, hence the short leg workout. I wanted to try my new ankle torture device I bought to do these:

Love this exercise! I haven't done it in awhile because my gym doesn't have the ankle wraps so I had to buy my own, lame yes? Other than that I am pretty happy with my gym. Brooke likes the daycare, which makes my life easier, and is the reason I've been able to go so much lately.

At home, I ended up doing 5 one minute planks, and foam rolling later in the day. I have back issues and foam rolling has helped a lot. I had planned to do pushups at home as well, but sometimes that sweet life gets in the way! Have to go with the flow people.

How was your workout today?

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Nutrition - Carbs

Oh carbohydrates, how I love thee...

Carbohydrates are the building blocks of any diet, good or bad. They are the source of most of your energy. Many have tried a low carb diet and it is considered an easy way to lose weight. A low carb plan is a hard plan to stick to, and you will typically gain any weight back once you start eating carbs again, and maybe even gain more than you lost in the first place. Try to eat a moderate amount of healthy carbohydrates made up of vegetables, fruits and whole grains. What you're trying to do is make healthy eating a normal part of your lifestyle, not try another diet.

Fiber is a part of every plant and is a very important part of your diet. Fiber refers to the part of the plant that can't be digested and therefore helps food move at a faster pace through your intestines. You don't want a bunch of food sitting around in your intestines! Adults need about 20 to 30 grams of fiber every day. Most people do not get that much.

I try to get my fiber from whole food sources like fruits and vegetables. I also like lentils, beans, brown rice, nuts, and oatmeal. I am trying to be more adventurous in the cooking and eating department this year, it's a goal and I'll let you know how it goes. I really like Fiber One and Fiber One Caramel Delight, but try not to eat it too often as it's not "real food". It is "really good" though. I haven't tried these Honey Clusters but may have to soon. I stocked up on the caramel when it was about a dollar a box at Winco, usually they're over 4 dollars - CRAZY! So when they're all gone, maybe I'll venture to the Honey Clusters, or maybe I will have learned how to make some kind of amazing quinoa salad by then, we'll see.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Nutrition - FAT FAT FAT!

With all of the millions of diet books out there you would think that eating right has got to be the most complicated thing in the world to do, yes? Not so much. Eat real food, in small quantities. That's it, pretty simple stuff.

Today we are going to talk a bit about FAT. Not your fat or mine, but the fat found in food.

People tend to be fat phobic, but you shouldn't be. The body needs fat to survive. Fat is a part of every cell membrane in the body, it helps transport nutrients across the cell membrane. Basically, we couldn't survive without it.

Fats are generally saturated or unsaturated, based on the amount of fatty acids present. Saturated fats are typically found in animal products and processed foods.

Unsaturated fats are what you want to include in your nutrition plan:
  • avocado
  • salmon or other oily fish
  • nuts
  • olive oil, sunflower oil
If you're counting calories, fat counts for 9 calories per gram, while carbs and protein count for 4 calories per gram. So, yes, fat calories do add up quicker, but in moderation will help your body work like the well running machine that it wants to be.

As a general rule, I would suggest avoiding most, if not all, diet books. A diet is a temporary bandaid. To get positive, longterm results you need to change your lifestyle. Not all today, not even tomorrow, but you must make changes if you expect to see something different. There are several healthy eating books out there that I like, most of the Clean Eating books by Tosca Reno are great. Her recipes are a bit on the fancy side for me, but her eating ideas are spot on. I bought the Recharged book a few months ago and really like it. Am still working my way through Your Best Body Now by the same author, and am thinking it might not be necessary to get both.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Do Something, Anything!

A lot of people use the excuse that they don't have enough time to workout, can't fit it in, blah blah blah! Seriously people?

If you watch any tv at all then you have time to workout. Get your butt off of the couch and get moving!

Even if you haven't any equipment at home, ie. free weights, you can still get a fairly decent workout. One of my favorite things to do when I can't make it to the gym is a workout I call 100s. If you are new to working out, start with 20s.

My Super Amazing TV Workout (the super amazing part is that you are off the couch!)

Warm up for about 5 minutes by walking in place, kickboxing, simple wide legged squats.

1. 100 pushups. These can be done on your knees in sets of 10-15 with a 30 second rest in between sets.

2. 100 squats. A wide legged ballet squat will work the inner and outer thighs, while a typical shoulder width squat will focus on quads and glutes. Try both.

3. 100 lunges. Stationary lunges are great for beginners.

4. 5 one minute planks. Love planks, better for your neck and spine than crunches. Hold form for as long as possible, work up to 1 minute.

That should get you through an episode of Survivor!

Youtube is a great resource for exercise video descriptions and ideas.

What workout did you do today?

Monday, January 3, 2011

Cramming a Workout in

Today is a typical day for me with running around and not having a lot of time to fit in what I'd like.

Get up at 6:30 to get my oldest on the bus at 7:20. Feed her and make sure she's ready. Load the dishwasher, quick clean up in the kitchen.

Then have about an hour to myself before the little one gets up. What do I do with that time?
Fit in a yoga dvd, this one: YogaFit for Cyclists. Love this dvd. It has a lot of chest openers and hamstring stretches that everyone needs, not just cyclists, from all the sitting and reaching forward that we do. Think computer time and driving. Yeah, chest openers rock. I did a review of it a year or so ago, here. And still love it, 16 months later.

Then I eat. This morning I have a slice of protein quiche that I whipped up this weekend. I made up my own recipe when I couldn't find my favorite one online.

Here's what's in it:

1 cup of egg whites
1 cup of lowfat cottage cheese
2 cups steamed broccoli
1 cup parmesan cheese
2/3 cup of chicken I found in the refrigerator
1/4 cup of onion

I blended it all up in my handy Vitamix (love my Vitamix! more on that another day) and put it in a round pie dish and baked at 350 for 45 minutes. It's quite good although no one in the house but me thinks so......hmmmm...

Little one is taking a bath as I write this. Will soon need to get her out and to her first appointment. Just checkups today, nothing serious. She just turned 4 so it's time to visit the dentist and get tortured by her doctor. Kidding, our pediatrician is great.

Will hopefully fit in a weight workout later, in the 2 hours we have before her next appointment. Maybe some quick biceps or triceps exercises, easily done with the dumbbells I have at home. More than likely I will be running around the house making lunch for the little one, transferring loads of laundry, quickly feeding myself and then running back out the door.

How was your workout today?

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Tip of the Day

Drink more water!

Yes, this is an obvious one that you've heard and seen too many times. So many times that maybe you ignore it now and think "I'm doing just fine with my water intake, thank you!". Well, I don't think you are. Although maybe I'm just projecting because I know I'm not.

My goal is to get 130 ounces of water a day. I am lucky to get half that. What I've read is that when you are very active, working out every day etc. you should get close to an ounce of water per pound of body weight. I am slightly over 130 right now, ahem, due to my holiday obsession with Trader Joe's peppermint whoopie pies, but that's okay. 130 ounces would be plenty. So, let's talk water. How much are you taking in? Do you drink coffee? soda? Give it up! Don't get me started on soda, there's no reason to drink it. I don't drink coffee myself, but realize that most do. Drink more water.

Get a water bottle that you like and that isn't a pain in the butt to drink from. I personally don't like those screw off bottle tops, I like straws. I will drink more from a straw, even though my husband laughs at me about it. Not only kids drink from straws! In my attempts to save the planet I use a reusable water bottle with a straw. I use this Camelbak one pictured, only in purple and red. My kids have a couple too, they are easy for them to open and shut, and they lock close which is one of the most important factors for a kids' water bottle.

Welcome to my life

A little bit about me: I'm a stay at home Mom, slightly obsessed with fitness and eating well. I have two little kidlets who keep me very busy (duh!) so I often can't make it to the gym. Hence the title of my blog: Fit From Home. I do workout DVDs, different workouts that I make up, hike, bike, mountain bike and a few other things that you will hopefully find somewhat interesting.

I'm not much of a cook, but I like eating. I have been a vegetarian in the past, but am not now, although I haven't eaten a cow, pig or deer (or buffalo!) in about 20 years. So I do eat chicken, turkey and some seafood. I am obsessed with cookbooks, many of them related to sneaking vegetables into my picky children who will scream if something green goes on their plate. Okay, that is not really true, but close. They do love broccoli but haven't come around to spinach or kale yet unless it's hidden. I am still working on brussel sprouts and collard greens for all of us.

I go to the gym whenever I can. I like spinning classes, most cardio, and lifting weights. I don't really do any other classes other than spinning.

Occasionally I get sent DVDs to review for another site I write for, if I like the workout I will include it on here.