Sunday, January 2, 2011

Tip of the Day

Drink more water!

Yes, this is an obvious one that you've heard and seen too many times. So many times that maybe you ignore it now and think "I'm doing just fine with my water intake, thank you!". Well, I don't think you are. Although maybe I'm just projecting because I know I'm not.

My goal is to get 130 ounces of water a day. I am lucky to get half that. What I've read is that when you are very active, working out every day etc. you should get close to an ounce of water per pound of body weight. I am slightly over 130 right now, ahem, due to my holiday obsession with Trader Joe's peppermint whoopie pies, but that's okay. 130 ounces would be plenty. So, let's talk water. How much are you taking in? Do you drink coffee? soda? Give it up! Don't get me started on soda, there's no reason to drink it. I don't drink coffee myself, but realize that most do. Drink more water.

Get a water bottle that you like and that isn't a pain in the butt to drink from. I personally don't like those screw off bottle tops, I like straws. I will drink more from a straw, even though my husband laughs at me about it. Not only kids drink from straws! In my attempts to save the planet I use a reusable water bottle with a straw. I use this Camelbak one pictured, only in purple and red. My kids have a couple too, they are easy for them to open and shut, and they lock close which is one of the most important factors for a kids' water bottle.


  1. I Still disagree with straw use, but I understand why you're doing it. I know those pyrex ones are a pain and I doubt I'd want to use them either. There are some reuasable plastic ones out there that we may want to look at.

  2. Your whoopie pie obsession, my love of mochas, both with the same empty calorie and they both have the same affect on the thighs, ouch. I too will attempt to drink more water in the New Year and get fit with you by following this great new blog! Keep the enthusiasm going and awesome fitness tips, Sarah
