Monday, January 3, 2011

Cramming a Workout in

Today is a typical day for me with running around and not having a lot of time to fit in what I'd like.

Get up at 6:30 to get my oldest on the bus at 7:20. Feed her and make sure she's ready. Load the dishwasher, quick clean up in the kitchen.

Then have about an hour to myself before the little one gets up. What do I do with that time?
Fit in a yoga dvd, this one: YogaFit for Cyclists. Love this dvd. It has a lot of chest openers and hamstring stretches that everyone needs, not just cyclists, from all the sitting and reaching forward that we do. Think computer time and driving. Yeah, chest openers rock. I did a review of it a year or so ago, here. And still love it, 16 months later.

Then I eat. This morning I have a slice of protein quiche that I whipped up this weekend. I made up my own recipe when I couldn't find my favorite one online.

Here's what's in it:

1 cup of egg whites
1 cup of lowfat cottage cheese
2 cups steamed broccoli
1 cup parmesan cheese
2/3 cup of chicken I found in the refrigerator
1/4 cup of onion

I blended it all up in my handy Vitamix (love my Vitamix! more on that another day) and put it in a round pie dish and baked at 350 for 45 minutes. It's quite good although no one in the house but me thinks so......hmmmm...

Little one is taking a bath as I write this. Will soon need to get her out and to her first appointment. Just checkups today, nothing serious. She just turned 4 so it's time to visit the dentist and get tortured by her doctor. Kidding, our pediatrician is great.

Will hopefully fit in a weight workout later, in the 2 hours we have before her next appointment. Maybe some quick biceps or triceps exercises, easily done with the dumbbells I have at home. More than likely I will be running around the house making lunch for the little one, transferring loads of laundry, quickly feeding myself and then running back out the door.

How was your workout today?


  1. Hay Shelly. .... its Stephanie. One of Dustin'schildhood friends. .. recently became a stay at home wife and mom myself. Gained weight from top much holiday food as well. Looking for something low impact to start out with since I'm not a very active person and was recently injured in a car accident.

  2. Hi Stephanie! What do you LIKE to do? Have you been working out before? Depending on your injuries, I would suggest walking to start. Weight loss starts in the kitchen. I don't know how you eat, if you want to lose weight your food intake will be a big part of that.

  3. Hi S-I-L (sis in law)! I have a blog too!

    So wish you could train me! Love you and look forward to reading!

  4. Hi Cari! So good to see you on here! I can train you from Oregon, just read my blog. :) I'm going to go check out yours now. Love you too!

  5. I love your quiche recipe, am going to try it. And thanks for the YogaFit video tip, I'll be looking for those. Adding it to my amazon wish list...nothing like getting presents in the mail.

  6. Paula, the YogaFit cycling one is my favorite due to all the chest openers. I try to do it after a spinning class, or at some point after I ride outside.
